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Female Catheter Lefort Sound


900-126 Female Catheter, Plain, 12 fr.
900-142 Female Catheter, Plain, 14 fr.
900-167 Female Catheter, Plain, 16 fr.
900-183 Female Catheter. Plain, 18 fr.
900-209 Female Catheter, Pla in, 20 fr.
900-324 Lefort Sound, 12 fr., 11″
900-340 Lefort Sound, 14 fr., 11″
900-365 Lefort Sound 16 fr., 11″
900-381 LeFort Sound, 18 fr., 11″
900-407 Lefort Sound, 20 fr., 11″
900-423 LeFort Sound, 22 fr” 11″
900-449 Lefort Sound, 24fr., 11″
900-464 Lefort Sound, 26 fr., 11″
900-514 Filttorm Guide for LeFort Sound, Size 1
900-522 Filfform Guide for Lefort Sound, Size 2
900-530 Filttorm Guide for Lefort Sound, Size 3
900-548 Filfform Guide for Lefort Sound, Size 4
900-555 Filttorm Guide for Lefort Sound, Size 5
900-563 Filttorm Guide for Lefort Sound, Size 6
901-082 Van Buren Sound, 8 Fr., 11″
901-108 Van Buren Sound, 10 Fr., 11″
901-124 Van Buren Sound, 12 Fr., 11″
901-140 Van Buren Sound, 14 Fr., 11″
901-165 Van Buren Sound, 16 Fr , 11″
901-181 Van Buren Sound, 18 Fr., 11″
901-207 Van Buren Sound, 20 Fr., 11″
901-223 Van Buren Sound, 22 Fr., 11″
901-249 Van Buren Sound, 24 Fr., 11 ”
901-264 Van Buren Sound, 26 Fr., 11″
901-280 Van Buren Sound, 28 Fr., 11″
901-306 Van Buren Sound. 30 Fr., 11″
901-322 Van Buren Sound. 32 Fr., 11″
901-348 Van Buren Sound, 34 Fr., 11″
901-362 Van Buren Sound. 36 Fr., 11″
901-405 Van Buren Sound, Set of 6, 18-28 Fr.
901-454 Van Buren Sound, Set of 8, 16-30 Fr.
901-504 Van Buren Sound, Set of 12, 8-30 Fr.

Kollman Urethral Dilator


902-254 Kollman Urethral Dilator, Straight
902-304 Kollman Urethral Dilator, Van Buren Curve
902-353 Kollman Dilator, Handle Only
902-502 OTIS Urethrotome, in case
902-510 Blade Only for Urethrotome
902-601 Catheter Guide, Guyon Curve 17″
902-619 Calheter Guide, Van Buren Curve 14-1/8″
902-627 Catheter Guide, Straight 15-3/4″

Herricks Kidney Clamp


902-700 Zipser Penis Clamp
902-759 Guyon-Pean Kidney Clamp, Double Curved, 9 ½”
902-809 Herricks Kidney Clamp, 9″
903-010 No-Scalpel Vasectomy Ring Clamp, 5 ½” (14 cm),
Gold Finger Rings
903-012 No-Scalpel Vasectomy Hemostat, 5 ½” (14 cm).
Smooth sharp Point. Curved, Gold Finger Rings
903-005 Masson-Judd Suprapubic Retractor w1U, Center Blade
903-014 Gomco Circumcision Clamp, Stainless, 8mm, (1.1cm)
903-016 Gomco Circumcision Clamp, Stainless. 11mm (1.3cm)
903-018 Gomco Circumcision Clamp, Stainless. 13mm (1.45cm)
903-020 Gomco Circumcision Clamp, Stainless, 16mm (1.6cm)

McDougal Type Prostatectomy Forceps


882-225 Lowsley Prostractic Retractor, Straight, 11″ (Not Illustrated)
882-230 Lowsley Prostractic Retractor, Curved, 11 “(Not Illustrated)
882-235 Lowsley Prostractic Retractor, Straight, 13″ (Not Illustrated)
882-240 Lowsley Prostractic Retractor, Curved, 13” (Not Illustrated)
882-245 “McDougal Type Prostatectomy Forceps,
2cm Jaw w/cross serrations, 10-1/2″”, Left (Not Illustrated)”
882-250 McDougal Type Prostatectomy Forceps,
2cm Jaw w/cross serrations, 10-1/2″, Right (Not Illustrated)
882-255 McDougal Type Prostatectomy Forceps,
2.5cm Right Angle. 11·, Lelt (Not Illustrated)
882-260 McDougal Type Prostatectomy Forceps,
2.5cm Right Angle, 11 “. Right (Not Illustrated)
882-265 Kalman-Mixter Forceps, Right Angle Jaws.
Light Pattern, 11″ (Not Illustrated)
882-270 Kalman-Mixter Forceps, Right Angle Jaws.
Heavy Pattern, 11″ (Not llluslrated
903-104 YOUNG Prostratic Retractor, Anterior, 1·112″ .x 2 -112·. 8-314″ (22.2 cm)
903-112 YOUNG Prostratic Retractor, Bind, 1-1/2″ x 2-112′. 8-314″ (22.2 cm)
903-120 YOUNG Prostratic Retractor, No!Ched, 8-3/4″ (22.2 cm)
903-138 YOUNG Prostratic Retractor, Lateral, 7116″ x 2-112″, 8-314″ (22.2 cm)
903-146 YOUNG Prostratic Retractor. improved, 8-314″ (22.2 cm)
903-148 YOUNG Prostratic Tractor, 1·112″ x 2-112″, 8” (20.3 cm)