Showing 193–216 of 301 results

Scoville Clip Applying Forceps


722-360 Scoville Clip Applying Forceps, 6″ (15.2 cm), Shaft
721-520 Cushing Pituitary Rongeur, (2×10 mm) Cup Jaws, 1· (17.8 cm) Shank Straight
721-525 Cushing Pitv11ary Rongeur (2×10 mm) Cup Jaws. 7″ (17.8 cm) Shank
721-530 Cushing Pituitary Rongeur {2×10 mm) Cup Jaws, 7• (17.8 cm) Shank Curved Down
721-535 Spurling Pituitary Rongeur {4×10 mm) Cup Jaws, 7″ (17.8 cm) Shank Curved Down

McKenzie Clip Applying Forceps


722-005 McKenzie Clip Applying Forceps, Straight Handle, Curved Jaws, 6″
722-007 McKenzie Clip Applying Forceps, Curved Handle, Straight Jaws. s·

Smithwick Clip Applying Forceps


722-009 Smithwick Clip Applying Forceps 9″, Curved Jaws Straight Handles
722-017 Smithwick Clip Applying Forceps 10 ½”, Curved Jaws Straight Handles
722-157 Sweet Clip Applying Forceps 10 ½”, Straight Jaws Angled Shanks

Scoville Clip Applying Forceps


722-207 McKenzie Clip Rack Chrome
722-306 Raney Scalp Clips, Nickel Plated, Vial of 12
722-355 Raney Scalp Clip Forceps, 6 ½”
722-360 Scoville Clip Applying Forceps, 6′ (15.2cm) Shaft

Premium Neurosurgical Drills & Burs Set


722-400 Stille Pattern Drill Set, Complete with 4 Twist Drills, (2.5 to 4mm)
4 Burs (4-16mm and 1 Trephine 10mm), Chrome Plated Drill, Stainless Points

722-405 Stille Pattern Drill 10” (25.4cm), Chrome Plated


1 Twist Drills

722-406 Fig. 1 = 2.5mm

722-408 Fig. 2 = 3mm

722-410 Fig. 3 = 3.5mm

722-412 Fig. 4 = 4mm

722-414 Fig. 5 = 10mm Trephine 10mm Dia.

2 Round Burs

722-416 Fig. 6 = 5mm

722-418 Fig. 7 = 8mm

722-420 Fig. 8 = 12mm

722-422 Fig. 9 = 16mm

722-424 Raney-Crutchfield Skull Traction Tong 120mm
Spread includes 2 Drill Points
Raney-Crutchfield Drill Points

Oldberg Pituitary Rongeur


722-425 Oldberg Pituitary Rongeur 7″ (17.8 cm) Shank, Round Cup Jaws 6mm Dia.
722-426 Ferris Smith Pituitary Cup Jaw Rongeurs, 7″ (17.8 cm) Shank Straight, 3×10 mm Jaws
722-421 Ferris Smith Pituitary Cup Jaw Rongeur, 7″ (17.8 cm) Shank Curved up, 3×10 mm Jaws
722-428 Ferris Smith Pituitary Cup Jaw Rongeur, 7″ (17.8 cm) Shank Curved Down, 3×10 mm Jaws

Bunnell Hand Drill


722-440 Bunnell Hand Drill, Lightweight, Chrome Plated with 5/32″ (14mm) Capacity, Stainless Jacobs Chuck
Chuck Key Stores In Handle
722-442 Ralk Bone Drill Offset Handle, w/Jacobs Chuck
722-444 Pin and Wire Gauge for Kirschner Wires, 6″
722-446 Kirschner Wires, 12″, Trocar Point with Flat Chuck End, .035 Diameter
722-448 Kirschner Wires, 12″, Trocar Point with Flat Chuck End, .045 Diameter
722-450 Kirschner Wires, 12″, Trocar Point with Flat Chuck End, .0625
722-452 Kirschner Wires, 7 ½”, Trocar Point at Both Ends .035 Dia.
722-454 Kirschner Wires, 7 ½”, Trocar Point at Both Ends, .045 Dia.
722-456 Kirschner Wires, 7 ½”, Trocar Point at Both Ends, .0625 Dia.

Love Nerve Root Retractor


722-510 Love Nerve Root Retractor 8 ½” (21.6 cm), Straight. 7mm Blade
722-515 Love Nerve Root Retractor 8 ½” (21.6 cm), Angled 45•, 7mm Blade
722-520 Love Nerve Root Retractor 8 ½” (21.6 cm). Angled 90° 7mm Blade
722-525 Scoville NeJVC Root Retractor 9· (22.9 cm), Straight, 8mm Wide Blade
722-530 Scoville Nerve Root Retractor 9″ (22.9 cm), Angular, 8mm Wide Blade

Adson Periosteal Elevator


722-535 Adson Periosteal Elevator 6 ½” (16.5cm). Chisel Edge, Straight, 8mm Wide
722-540 Adson Periosteal Elevator 6 ½” (16.5cm), Blunt. Curved, 6mm Wide
722-545 Adson Periosteal Elevator 6 ½” (16.5cm), Semi-Sharp, Curved, 7mm Wide
722-550 Adson Periosteal Elevator 6 ½ • (16.5cm). Semi-Sharp, Straight, 6mm Wide
722-555 Cushing Periosteal Elevator 6″ (15.2cm)
722-560 Children’s Hospital Brain Spalula, 8 ½” Long x 1/2· Wide Malleable, Silver Plated
722-565 Scoville Brain Spatula, 8″ 3/8″ and 1/2″
722-570 Scoville Brain Spatula, 8″ 5/8″ and 7/1,’

Swiss Jeweler Style Forceps


740-001  Swiss Jeweler Style Forceps, #1, 4-3/4″ straight, fine points
740-003 Swiss Jeweler Style Forceps, #3, 4-3/4″ straight, narrow fine points
740-033 Swiss Jeweler Style Forceps, #3C, 4-3/8″ straight, narrow fine points
740-004 Swiss Jeweler Style Forceps, #4, 4-3/8″ straight, fine points
740-005 Swiss Jeweler Style Forceps, #5, 4-3/8″ straight, super fine points
740-007 Swiss Jeweler Style Forceps, #7, 4-1/2″ curved, fine points

Iris Tissue Eye Dressing Forceps


420-802 Eye Dressing Forceps, Straight, Extra Fine, Serrated, 4″
420·810 Eye Dressing Forceps, Hatt Curved, Extra Fine. Serrated, 4″
420-828 Eye Dressing Forceps, Fully Curved, Extra Fine, Serrated. 4″
421·800 Iris Tissue Forceps, Straight, Extra Fine, 1 x 2 Teeth, 4″
421-818 Iris Tissue Forceps, Hatt Curved, Extra Fine 1 x 2 Teeth, 4″
421-826 Iris Tissue Forceps, Fully Curved, Extra Fine, 1 x 2 Teeth, 4″



740-050 Plain Wire Eye Speculum, 2-1/2″ (6.4 cm). blades 15 mm wide
740-506 DESMARRES Lid Retractor. 5-1/2″ (14 cm). size 1, 11 mm
740-514 DESMARRES Lid Retractor, 5-1/2″ (14 cm), size 2, 13 mm
740-522 DESMARRES Lid Retractor, 5-1/2″ (14 cm), size 3, 15 mm
740-524 DESMARRES Lid Retractor, 5-1/2″ (14 cm), size 4, 17 mm
741-009 GRAEFE Eye Dressing Forceps, 2-3/4″ (7 cm), straight, serrated
741-017 GRAEFE Eye Dressing Forceps, 2-3/4″ (7 cm), curved, serrated
741-157 GRAEFE Iris Forceps. 2-3/4″ (7 cm). straight, 1 X 2 teeth
741-165 GRAEFE Iris Forceps, 2-3/4″ (7 cm). curved. 1 X 2 teeth

Foerster Eye & Iris Dressing Forceps


Foerster Eye Dressing Forceps – Designed for ophthalmic dressing applications, these straight, serrated-tip forceps with a 0.5mm wide octagonal grip ensure precision. Foerster Eye Dressing and Iris Tissue Forceps, available in straight and curved designs with serrated, smooth, or toothed tips for various ophthalmic procedures.

421-830 Foerster Eye Dressing Forceps, 3-3/4″, Octagonal G . Straight, Serrated Tips, 0.5mm Wide
421-832 Foerster Eye Dressing Forceps, 3·3/4″, Octagonal G . Straight, Smooth Tips, 0.5mm Wide
421-835 Foerster Eye Dressing Forceps, 3-3/4″, Octagonal Grip, Curved, Serrated Tips, 0.5mm Wide
421-838 Foerster Eye Dressing Forceps, 3·3/4″, Octagonal Grip. Curved, Smooth rips, 0.5mm Wide
421-840 Foerster Iris Tissue Forceps, 3-3/4″, Octagonal Grip, Straight, 1 x 2 Teeth, 0.5mm Wide
421-845 Foerster Iris Tissue Forceps, 3-3/4″, Octagonal Grip, Curved, 1 x 2 Teeth, 0.5mm Wide

Eye Speculum Castroviejo Murdock


741-220 Castroviejo Eye Speculum, 3.75″ Small Blades 13x5mm O.D
741-222 Castroviejo Eye Speculum, 3.75″ Medium Blades 15x5mm O.D.
741-224 Castroviejo Eye Speculum, 4″ Large Blades J 8x5mm 0.D.
741-250 Murdock Eye Speculum, 2.25″ Blades I 5mm Wide
741-300 Barraquer Eye Speculum, 1.75″ Small Blades 10mm Wide
741-3I0 Barraquer Eye Speculum, 1.75″ Large Blades 15mm Wide
741-320 Williams Eye Speculum 2 ¾”. Small Blades 11 x5mm
741-325 Williams Eye Speculum 3 ¾” Large Blades 15x5mm
741-350 Von Graefe Eye Speculum, 3.5″
741-355 Lancaster Eye Speculum, 3.25″ Blades 15x5mm
741-360 Guyton-Park Eye Speculum 3.5″ Solid Blades 14mm Wide with Suture Posts
741-365 Guyton-Park Eye Speculum, 3.5″ Fenestrated Blades I 4mm Wide with Suture Posts

Knapp Barraquer Eye Speculum


741-370 Barraquer Eye Speculum, 1 ½” Long, 10mm, Solid Blade, Child
741-372 Barraquer Eye Speculum, 1 ½” Long, 15mm, Solid Blade, Adult
741-375 Smith Eye Speculum, 5cm
741-380 Clark Eye Speculum, 8cm
741-385 Knapp Eye Speculum, Non-Magnetic
741-390 Mellinger Eye Speculum, 5cm
741-395 Mellinger Eye Speculum, 7cm
741-400 Jaeger Lid Plate, 11 cm

Bishop Harmon Fixation Forceps


741-504 Von Graefe Fixation Forceps, 4-1/4″
741-512 Von Graefe Fixation Forceps, with Catch, 4-1/4″
741-524 Bishop-Harmon Dressing Forceps, Str ., Del., 0.5mm Wide, 3-3/8″
741-528 Bishop-Harmon Dressing Forceps. Straight, Serr., 0.8mm Wide, 3″3/8″
741-532 Bishop-Hannon Tissue Forceps, Str., 1 x 2 Teeth, 0.5mm Wide, 3-3/8″
741-536 Bishop·Hannon TISSUe Forceps, Str., 1 x 2 Teeth, 0.8mm Wide, 3-3/8″

DESMARRES Chalazion LESTER Fixation Forceps


741-603 LESTER Fixation Forceps. 3-3/4″ (9.5 cm), delicate. 1 X 2 teeth. 0.6 mm wide
741-605 LESTER Fixation Forceps. 3-3/4″ (9.5 cm). delicate, 2×3 teeth, 1 mm wide
741-801 Eye Knife test drum
742-007 DESMARRES Chalazion Forceps, 3-1/2″ (8.9 cm), large size, inside ring 17 X 28 mm
742-502 BARRAQUER Blade Breaker and Holder, 4-1/2″ (11.4 cm), with ratchet lock
742-551 CASTROVIEJO Blade Breaker and Holder, 5-1/4″ (13.3 cm), with push-pull lock
742-759 WELLS Enucleation Scoop, 6″ (15.2 cm), cup 21 mm

Strabismus Hook Chalazion Curette


742-908 Von Graefe Strabismus Hook. Small. 5 ½”
742-916 Von Graefe Strabismus Hook. Medium, 5 ½”
742-924 Von Graefe Strabismus Hook, Large. 5 ½”
743-005 Meyhoeffer Chalazion Curette, 5″·. Size 00, 1mm
743-013 Meyhoeffer Chalazion Curette. 5″, Size O. 1.5mm
743-021 Meyhoeffer Chalazlon Curette, 5″. Size 1. 1.7mm
743-023 Meyhoeffer Chalazion Cureue. s·. Size 2, 2mm
743-025 Meyhoeffer Chalazion Curette. s·. Size 3, 2.5mm
743-028 Meyhoeffer Chalazion Curette. 5″, Size 4, 3.5mm
743-252 Risley (LaForce) Foreign Body Spud, Angular. 6″
743-302 Dix Needle and Spud. Reversible Handle, 6″

Strabismus Tenotomy Strabismus Hook


742-928 Green Strabismus Hook, 5″ 9mm Deep
742-930 O’Connor Tenotomy Hook,5″ Fine serrations inside
742-934 Jameson Strabismus Hook,5″. 10mm Deep
742-936 New Orleans Lens Loop. 5 ¼”. Smooth Loop, 4.5 x 10mm Very Delicate
742-938 Kirby Muscle Hook and Expressor 6″. Double End
742-940 Wilder Lens Loop, 5 ¼”, Serrated Loop, 4x15mm
742-942 Wilder Lens Loop, 5 ¼”, Smooth Loop. 4x15mm

Bowman Probe Thorpe Caliper


743-450 Bowman Probe, 000-0000. Double Ended, Sterling Silver, 5″
743-468 Bowman Probe, 00-0, Double Ended, Sterling Silver, 5″
743-476 Bowman Probe, 1·2, Double Ended, Sterling Silver, 5”
743-484 Bowman Probe, 3-4, Double Ended. Sterling Silver, 5″
743-492 Bowman Probe, 5-6, Double Ended, Sterling Silver, 5″
743-500 Bowman Probe, 7-8, Double Ended, Sterling Silver, 5″
743-505 Thorpe Caliper 4 ½” (11.4Cm}, Graduated in inches and mm, Permits measurements in deep areas
743-807 Wilder Lacrimal Dilator, 4″, Fine Taper
743-815 Wilder Lacrimal Dilator, 4″. Medium Taper
743-816 Wilder Lacrimal Dilator, 4″, Heavy Taper
743-820 Jameson Caliper 3 ¾” (9.5cm), Graduated in inches and mm, with thin tips, Chrome

Iris AEBLI Corneal Scissors


103-634 Iris Scissors, 4-1/2″ (11.4 cm). angled on side
744-056 Eye Scissors. Large Rings, Sharp Tips, Straight, 4″, Blades (104 mm)
744-058 Eye Scissors, Large Rings, Sharp Tips, Curved, 4″, Blades (104 mm)
744-250 STEVENS Tenotomy Scissors, 4-1/2″ (11.4 cm), straight, sharp points
744-255 STEVENS Tenotomy Scissors. 4-1/2″ (11.4 cm). straight. blunt points
744-268 STEVENS Tenotomy Scissors. 4-1/2″ (11.4 cm). curved, sharp points
744-270 STEVENS Tenotomy Scissors, 4-1/2″ (11.4 cm), curved, blunt point
744-280 AEBLI Corneal Scissors. 4″ (10.2 cm), straight
744-282 AEBLI Corneal Scissors. 4″ (10.2 cm), angled on nat, right
744-284 AEBLI Corneal Scissors, 4″ (10.2 cm), angled on flat. left

Eye Strabismus Utility Scissors


744-060 Eye Scissors, Ribbon Type, Pointed Tips, Straight. 4.1″ Blade (22 mm)
744-062 Eye Scissors, Ribbon Type, Pointed Tips, Curved, 4.1·, Blade (22 mm)
744-064 STEVENS Tenotomy Scissors, Ribbon Type, Sharp Tips, Straight, 3.7″, Blade (12mm)
744-066 STEVENS Tenotomy Scissors, Ribbon Type, Sharp Tips, Curved, 3.7″. Blades (12 mm)
744-068 STEVENS Tenotomy Scissors. Ribbon Type, Blunt Tips, Straight, 3.7″, Blades (12 mm)
744-070 STEVENS Tenotomy Scissors, Ribbon Type, Blunt Tips, Curved, 3.7·, Blades (12 mm)
744-072 Strabismus Scissors. Ribbon Type, Straight, 4.2″. Blades (25 mm)
744-074 Strabismus Scissors. Ribbon Type, Curved. 4.2″, Blades (25 mm)
744-076 Stitch Scissors. Ribbon Type, Extra Fine Blades, Light Curve, 3.7″, Blades (20 mm)
744-078 Utility Scissors. Ribbon Type, Blunt Tips, Straight, 4.1″, Blades (20 mm)
744-080 Utility Scissors, Ribbon Type, Blunt Tips, Curved, 4.1″, Blades (20 mm)

BOWMAN Strabismus BROPHY Scissors


744-003 Iris Scissors, Curved Sideways, 4-1/2″ (11 cm)
744-052 Iris Scissors, Angular with probe point, 4-112· (11 cm)
744-244 BROPHY (Sullivan) Scissors, Straight, 5-1/2″ (14.5 cm) Sharp Points
744-246 BROPHY (Sullivan) Scissors, Curved, 5-1/2″ (14.5 cm) Sharp Points
744-248 BROPHY (Sullivan) Scissors, Curved, 5-112· (14.5 cm) One Serrated Blade.
744-300 Strabismus Scissors. Straight, 4-1/2″ (11 cm)
744-318 Strabismus Scissors, Curved, 4-1/2″ (11 cm)
744-320 WESTCOTI Utility Scissors, Curved, Blunt Tips, 4-1/2· (11 cm)
744-508 BOWMAN Scissors, Curved, Probe Points, 4-1/2· (11 cm)

Enucleation CASTROVIEJO VANNAS Micro Scissors


744-557 Enucleation Scissors, Straight, 5″ (12.7cm)
744-565 Enucleation Scissors, light curve, 5″ (12.7cm)
744-566 Enucleation Scissors, Medium curve,5″(12.7cm)
744-567 Enucleation Scissors, full curve, 5″ (12.7cm)
744-600 CASTROVIEJO Scissors, Curved, Sharp Points, 4″ (10cm)
744-602 CASTROVIEJO Scissors, Curved, Blunt Points, 4″ (10cm)
744-607 CASTROVIEJO Corneal Scissors, 3-3/4″ (9.5 cm), angled blades 11 mm. blunt points
744-609 CASTROVIEJO Keratoplasty Scissors, 3-3/4″ (9.5 cm), angled blades 11 mm, sharp points
744-994 VANNAS Micro Scissors, 3-1/4″ (8.3 cm), straight
744.995 VANNAS Micro Scissors, 3-1/4″ (8.3 cm), Curved
744-996 VANNAS Micro Scissors, 3-1/4″ (8.3 cm), Angled on Flat