Orthopedic Instruments
Showing 1–24 of 28 results
Leksell Rongeur & Stille-Luer Rongeurs
700-054 Stille-Luer Rongeur, Double Action, Straight, 8-3/4″, 9x15mm Bite
700-104 Stille-Luer Rongeur, Double Action, Curved, 8-3/4″, 9x15mm Bite
700-153 Stille-Luer (Duckbill) Rongeur, Angled to Side, 9″, 6x12mm Bite
700-302 Leksell Rongeur, 9-1/2″, Standard Curve, 3mm Bite
700-308 Leksen Rongeur, 9· 1/2″, Standard Curve, 8mm Bite
STILLE-LISTON ,Ruskin-Liston Bone Cutter
700-450 STILLE-LISTON Bone Cutting Forceps, 10-3/4″ (27.3 cm), straight
700-468 STILLE-LISTON Bone Cutting Forceps, 10.31/4″ (27.3 cm), curved
700-508 Stille-Horsley Bone Cutter 10 ½”, Angled Blades
700-757 Ruskin-Liston Bone Cutter, Straight, 7-1/2″
700-765 Ruskin-Liston Bone Cutter. Angled, 7-1/2″
700-768 Ruskin Bone Cutting Forceps, 7-1/2″ Straight Delicate Blades
706-585 Double Action Parallel Pliers and Wire Cutter 4-1/2″ Nickel Plated
Liston Bone Cutting Forceps,Ruskin Rongeur
700-807 Liston Bone Cutting Forceps, straight, 5-1/2″ (14 cm)
700-815 Liston Bone Cutting Forceps, straight. 7-1/2″ (19.1 cm)
701-052 RUSKIN Bone Splitting Forceps, 5-1/2″ (14cm), straight
701-060Â Â RUSKIN Bone Splitting Forceps, 5-1/2″ (14 cm). curved
701-230 RUSKIN Rongeur, double action, 7-1/4″ (18.4 cm) long, Straight 7 mm bite jaws
701-235 RUSKIN Rongeur, double action, 7-1/4″ (18.4 cm) long, Straight 5 mm bite jaws
701-240 RUSKIN Rongeur, double action, 6″ (15.2 cm) long, Straight 3 mm bite jaws
701-245 RUSKIN Rongeur, double action, 7-1/4″ (18.4 cm) long, Curved 7 mm bite jaws
701-250 RUSKIN Rongeur, double action, 7-1/4″ (18.4 cm) long, Curved 5 mm bite jaws
701-300 RUSKIN Rongeur, double action, 6″ (15.2 cm) long, Curved 3 mm bile jaws
701-508 Luer Rongeur, 7″ (17.8 cm), straight jaws 8 mm bite
701-516 Luer Rongeur. 7″ (17.8 cm), curved jaws 8 mm bite
ZAUFEL-JANSEN Rongeur , BEYER Rongeur ,ADSON Cranial Rongeur , BACON Rongeur
701-904 ZAUFEL-JANSEN Rongeur, 7″ (17.8 cm). DIA, Curved, 5 mm Bite
701-953 BEYER Rongeur, 7″ (17.8 cm), Double Action, Curved, 3.5mm Bite
702–001 ADSON Cranial Rongeur, 8″ (20.3 cm), Straight jaws 7 X 13 mm
702–002 ADSON Cranial Rongeur, 8″ (20.3 cm), curved jaws 7 X 13 mm
702–050 BACON Rongeur. 8-1/4″ (21 cm), angled on side, 5 mm bite
Reiner Surgery, Mead, Hartman, and Lempert Rongeurs
702-100 REINER Surgery Rongeur, 7” (17.8 cm). beaks at 30-degree angle
702-159 MEAD Surgery Rongeur, 6-1/2″ (16.5 cm), slightly curved beaks
702-258 HARTMAN Mastoid Rongeur. 5-3/4″ (14.6 cm), strong curve
765-815 LEMPERT Rongeur, 6-1/4″ (15.9 cm), curved, delicate, 2.5 mm bite
 Farabeuf Lambotte Forcep, Kern Lane Bone Forcep
702-357 Kern Bone Holding Forceps, with Ratchet, 5″
702-365 Kern Bone Holding Forceps, with Ratchet, 9 ½”
702-373 Kern Bone Holding Forceps, Plain, 9 ½”
702-407 Lane Bone Holding Forceps, Plain. 13″
702-415 Lane Bone Holding Forceps, with Ratchet, 13″
702-418 Farabeuf-Lambotte Bone Holding Forceps, 10-1/4″
Lewin Lambotte Forceps , Parham , Lambert-Lowman Clamp
702-456 Lewin Bone Holding Forceps, 7″ Serrated
702-506 Lambotte Bone Holding Forceps, Small, 8-3/4″
702-514 Lambotte Bone Holding Forceps, Medium, 10·3/4″
702-522 Lambotte Bone Holding Forceps. Large. 12-3/4″
702-555 Pamam-Martin Fracture Clamp, Small, 4-314·
702-563 Parham-Martin Bands Only
702-605 Lowman Bone Clamp, 5″, Calibrated in 1/8″,1 x 2 Prong Jaws 3/4″ Wide
702·613 Lowman Bone Clamp. 7″, Calibrated In 1/8″,1 x 2 Prong Jaws 1″ Wide
702-621 Lowman Bone Clamp. 8″, Calibrated in 1/8″,1 x 2 Prong Jaws 1-1/4″ Wide
702-625 Lambert-Lowman Bone Clamp. 7″ 2 x 2 Prong Jaws 1″ Wide
702-630 Lambert-Lowman Bone Clamp, 8″, 2 x 2 Prong Jaws 1-3/8″ Wide
Bone Reduction Forceps , VERBRUGGE Bone Holding Forceps
$0.00702-650 Bone Reduction Forceps, Curved. Pointed Tips, 5-1/2″ (14cm)
702-652 Bone Reduction Forceps, Curved with Speed Lock, 6-1/4″ (15.8cm)
702-654 Bone Reduction Forceps, Curved with Speed Lock, 9″ (22.9cm)
702-660 VERBRUGGE Bone Holding Forceps, Self Centering with Speed Lock, 6″ (15.2cm)
702-662 VERBRUGGE Bone Holding Forceps, Self Centering with Speed Lock. 7-1/2″ (19cm)
702-664 VERBRUGGE Bone Holding Forceps, Self Centering with Speed Lock, 9-1/2″ (24cm)
702-666 VERBRUGGE Bone Holding Forceps, Self Centering with Speed Lock, 10-1/2″ (26.7cm)
702-668 VERBRUGGE Bone Holding Forceps, Self Centering with Speed Lock, 11″ (28cm)
702-670 VERBRUGGE Bone Holding Forceps with Short Ratchet, 6-1/4″ (15.8cm)
VERBRUGGE Bone Holding Forceps , ULRICH Self-Retaining Forcep
$0.00702-672 VERBRUGGE Bone Holding Forceps with Long Ratchet. 10″ (25.4cm)
702-674 VERBRUGGE Bone Holding Forceps with Long Ratchet, 10-1/2″ (26.7cm)
702-676 VERBRUGGE Bone Holding Forceps with Long Ratchet, 11″ (27.9cm)
702-680 ULRICH Self Retaining Forceps, Straight with Speed Lock, Mini, 7-1/4″ (18.4cm)
702-682 ULRICH Self Retaining Forceps, Straight with Speed Lock, 8″ (22.8cm)
702-684 ULRICH Self Retaining Forceps, Straight with Speed Lock, 10″ (25.4cm)
702-686 ULRICH Self Retaining Forceps, Straight with Speed Lock, 11″ (27 .9cm)
702-688 ULRICH Self Retaining Forceps, Angular with Speed Lock, 11″ (27.9cm)
Langenbeck Elevator , Farabeuf Raspatories
702-753 Langenbeck Elevator, Narrow,7″
702-761 Langenbeck Elevator, Broad, 7″
702-803 Lane Elevator, Narrow,7″
702-811 Lane Elevator, Broad, 7″
702-852 M.G.H. Elevator, 6-1/2″
702-902 Farabeuf Raspatories, Straight. 6″
702-910 Farabeuf Raspatories, Curved, 6″
Periosteal Elevator , PUTTI Bone Rasp
$0.00703-256 KEY Periosteal Elevator, 7″ (17.8 cm), 1/8″ (.33 cm) wide
703-264 KEY Periosteal Elevator, 7″ (17.8 cm), 1/4″ (.64 cm) wide
703-272 KEY Periosteal Elevator, 7-1/2″ (19.1 cm), 1/2″ (1.3 cm)wide
703-280 KEY Periosteal Elevator. 8″ (20.3 cm). 3/4″ (19. cm) wide
703-298 KEY Periosteal Elevator, 8-1/4″ (21 cm). 1″ (2.5 cm) wide
703-553 MURPHY-LANE Bone Skid, 12″ (30.5 cm)
703-603 SAYRE Periosteal Elevator, Sharp, 6-3/4″ (17.1 cm)
703-604 SAYRE Periosteal Elevator, Blunt, 6-3/4″ (17.1 cm)
703-652 SEOILLOT Periosteal Elevator. 7-1/2″, blade 17 mm wide”
703-702 Bayonet Bone File, 9-3/4″ (24.8 cm)
703-850 PUTTI Bone Rasp, 10-1/2″ (26.7 cm). flat ends, one side curved on flat, other one curved sideways
703-868 PUTTI Bone Rasp. 12· (30.5 cm), PUTTI round and half-round tapered. curved ends
Bone Curette ,Hibbs-Spratt
$0.00703-983 Bruns Curette, #000, 6-3/4″
704-387 Hibbs-Spratt Curette, #000, 8″
703-991 Bruns Curette, #00, 6-3/4″
704-395 Hibbs-Spratt Curette, #00, 8″
704-007 Bruns Curette, #0, 6-3/4″
704-403 Hibbs-Spratt Curette, #0, 8″
704-015 Bruns Curette, #1, 6-3/4″
704-411 Hibbs-Spratt Curette, #1, 8″
704-023 Bruns Curette, #2, 6-3/4″
704-429 Hibbs-Spratt Curette, #2, 8″
704-031 Bruns Curette, #3, 6-3/4″
704-437 Hibbs-Spratt Curette, #3, 8″
704-049 Bruns Curette, #4, 6-3/4″
704-445 Hibbs-Spratt Curette, #4, 8″
704-056 Bruns Curette, #5, 6-3/4″
704-452 Hibbs-Spratt Curette, #5, 8″
704-064 Bruns Curette, #6, 6-3/4″
704-460 Hibbs-Spratt Curette, #6, 8″
704-155 Bone Curette, Double Ended, 5″
704-163 Bone Curette, Double Ended, 6-1/2″
Stratt (Brun), Marthil & Williger Bone Curette
$0.00704-470 Stratt (Brun) Bone Curette, Size 5/0, 6 ½”
704-472 Stratt (Brun) Bone Curette, Size 4/0, 6 ½”
704-474 Stratt (Brun) Bone Curette, Size 3/0, 6 ½”
704-476 Stratt (Brun) Bone Curette, Size 2/0, 6 ½”
704-478 Stratt (Brun) Bone Curette, Size 0, 6 ½”
704-480 Stratt (Brun) Bone Curette, Size 1, 6 ½”
704-482 Stratt (Brun) Bone Curette, Size 2, 6 ½”
704-484 Stratt (Brun) Bone Curette, Size 3, 6 ½”
704-486 Stratt (Brun) Bone Curette, Size 4, 6 ½”
704-488 Stratt (Brun) Bone Curette, Size 5, 6 ½”
704-490 Stratt (Brun) Bone Curette, Size 6, 6 ½”
461-301 Marthil Bone Curette, 1 ½”, Double End, 4 mm and 5 mm Round Cups
704-495 Williger Bone Curette, 5 ½”, Double End, 3 mm and 4 mm Oval Cups
Volkmann Bone curette double ended
$0.00704-500 Volkman Double End Curette, 5 ½” (14cm) Long, Oval Cup 5mm x 10mm and 8mm x 20mm
704-505 Volkman Double End Curette. 5″ (12.7cm) Long. Oval Cup 6mm x 10mm and Round Cup 7mm Dia.
704-510 Volkman Double End Curette 6 ½” (16.5cm) Long, Oval Cup 8mm x 14mm and Round Cup 10mm Dia.
704-515 Bunnell Tendon Stripper 6″ (15.2cm) 3mm
704-520 Bunnell Tendon Stripper 6″ (15.2cm) 4mm
704-525 Bunnell Tendon Stripper 6″ (15.2cm) 5mm
704-530 Bunnell Tendon Strippers (15.2cm) 6mm
704-535 Bunnell Tendon Strippers (15.2cm) 7mm
Surgical Mallets , Orthopedic Mallet
704-650 Lucae Mallet, 7 ½”, Head 9oz, Solid Stainless
704-675 Crane Mallet, Chrome, Small, 6-1/2″
704-700 Crane Mallet, Chrome, Large, 6-1/2″
704-858 Gerzog Mallet, 7-1/2″, Head 8 oz. Lead Filled with Stainless Jacket
704-958 Orthopedic Mallet, Head 16 oz. Solid, Stainless, 11″
704-959 Orthopedic Mallet, Head 32 oz. Solid, Stainless, 11″
704-960 Mallet, 7-1/2″, Lightweight 7.5 oz., Stainless Head, 1″ Diameter with 2 Replaceable Nylon Caps
704-962 Mead Mallet, 7-1/2″ with Replaceable Nylon Caps, Weight: 12 oz., Head Diameter: 20mm
824-003 Hajek Mallet, 16mm Bronze Head, 8 oz., 8-1/4″
Heath Mallet , Williger Bone Mallet ,Kirk Mallet
$0.00704-964 Williger Bone Mallet, Lead Filled Head, 350grams – 13 ozs, 30mm Diam., (24cm) – 9 ½”
704-966 Mallet, Solid, 490 Grams -1lb, 2 ozs, 28mm Diam., (23cm)- 9″
704-968 Heath Mallet Heavyweight, w/Anodized Aluminum Handle, Weight:28 ozs, Head Diameter: 40mm, 7 ½”
704-970 Kirk Mallet, Weight: 24 ozs, Head Diameter: 1 ½”. 7 ¾”
704-972 Post Mortem Hammer 9 ½” (24.1cm), W/Hook Handle
Phenolic Handle Mallet , Orthopedic Mallet
$0.00704-974 Phenolic Handle Mallet, Weight: 11b, lead Diameter: 1 ¼”, 11″
704-976 Phenolic Handle Mallet, Weight: 21bs, Head Diameter: 1 3/4″, 11″
704-978 Orthopedic Mallet, Head 1 3/16″ (3cm) Diameter, Weight: 21bs Overall Length 7 3/16″ (18.3cm)
704-980 Orthopedic Mallet, Head 1 4/5″ (3,8cm) Diameter, Weight: 21bs Overall Length 7 -9/16″ (19.3cm)
Hoke Osteotome , Lambotte Osteotome
705-004 Hoke Osteotome, 1/8″, 3mm, 5-1/2″
705-012 Hoke Osteotome, 3/16″, 5mm, 5-1/2″
705-020 Hoke Osteotorne, 1/4″, 7mm, 5-1/2″
705-038 Hoke Osteotome, 5/16″, 8.5mm, 5-1/2″
705-046 Hoke Osteotorne, 3/8″, 10mm, 5·1/2″
705-053 Hoke Osteotome, 1/2″, 12mm, 5-1/2″
705-301 Lambotte Osteotome, 1/4″, 6mm, 9″
705-319 Lambotte Osteotorne, 1/2″, 12mm, 9″
705-327 Lambotte Osteotome, 3/4″, 19mm, 9″
705-335 Lambotte Osteotorne, 1″, 25mm, 9″
705-343 Lambotte Osteotorne, 1-1/2″, 37mm, 9″
705-400 U.S.A. Pattern Chisel, 6mm, 6-1/4″
705-418 U.S.A. Pattern Chisel, 12mm, 6-1/4″
705-426 U.S.A. Pattern Chisel, 18mm, 6-1/4″
705-509 U.S.A. Pattern Gouge, 6mm, 6-1/4″
705-517 U.S.A. Pattern Gouge, 10mm, 6-1/4″
705-525 U.S.A. Pattern Gouge, 14mm, 6·1/4″
Martin, Dingman, and Smillie cartilage instruments
705-558 Martin Cartilage Scissors, Serrated Blades, 8″
705-574 Martin Cartilage Scissors, Smooth Blades, 8″
705-608 Dingman Cartilage Clamp, 7 ½”
705-657 Martin Cartilage Clamp, 7 ½”
705-707 Lowe-Breck Cartilage Knife, 10 ½” (26-7 cm) Straight Edge with Guards
705-710 Downing Cartilage Knife, 10″ (25.4 cm), Concave Edge with Guards
705-715 Smillie Cartilage Knife, 6 ¾” (17.1 cm), Straight Edge
705-720 Smillie Cartilage Knife, 6 ¾” (17.1 cm), Left
705-725 Smillie Cartilage Knife, 6 ¾” (17.1 cm), Right
Charriere Bone Saw , Satterlee Bone Saw
705-806 Charriere Bone Saw 8″ Blade, Chrome Handle, 11 ½.
705-810 Charriere Bone Saw 9 ½” Slade, Chrome Handle, 14″
705-812 Satterlee Bone Saw 9″ Blade, Chrome Handle, 12·
705-814 Satterlee Bone Saw, Blade Only 9″
705-820 Engel Cast Saw, 6″ (15.2cm)
705-824 Satterlee Bone Saw 12· (30.5cm), Light Metal Handle with Stainless Blades
705-825 Blade for No. 705-824 Satterlee Saw
705-830 Charriere Bone Saw 14″ (35.6cm) with one each 12mm and 18mm Stainless Blade
705-832 12mm Wide Blade for No. 705-830 Saw
705-834 18mm Wide Blade for No. 705-830 Saw
705-836 Langenbeck Metacarpal Saw 9 ¼. (23.5cm). Blade 4 ½’ (11.4cm) Long
705-840 Fine Bone Saw 6″ (15.2cm). Blade 2· (5.1cm)
Gigli Saw , Gigli Saw Handle
$0.00706-051 “Diamond” Pin and Wire Cutter. 6 1/2″ (16.5cm), cuts up to 2mm, 5/8 Diameter Hard Wire Stainless
706-101 Gigli Saw 12″ (30.5cm), Standard Twisted Wire Type
706-119 Gigli Saw 20″ (50.5cm), Standard Twisted Wire Type
706-127 Gigli Saw 30″ (76.2cm), Standard Twisted Wire Type
706-259 Gigli-Strully Saw Handle, Loop Grip. Rigid. with Snap Lock
706-300 Gigli-Strully Saw Handle, T-Shape. Turnable. with Snap Lock
706-309 Gigli Saw Handle. Standard Pattern. T-Shape, Turnable
706-505 Fine Canulated Pin and Wire Cutter. 7 ½” (19.1cm),
End Cutting up to 3.2mm (1/4″) Soft Wire or 1.6mm (1/16″) Hard Wire
Wire Twisting Forceps , Wire Pulling Forceps
706-510 Wire Twister and Tightener, 6-1/4″
706-515 Wire Twisting Forceps, 6″, Carbide Jaws
706-520 Wire Twisting Forceps, 7-1/4″, Carbide Jaws
706-525 Wire Twisting Forceps, 8″, Carbide Jaws
706-530 Wire Pulling Forceps, 6-1/2″
Double Action Wire Cutter Tungsten Carbide
$0.00WIRE and PIN CUTTERS with Tungsten Carbide Inserts
706-535 Double Action Wire Cutter, 8 ½”. Angled Side Cutting, with Tungsten carbide Inserts
706-537 Double Action Wire Cutter, 9 ¼”. Angled Side Cutting, with Tungsten Carbide Inserts
706-540 Double Action Wire Cutter. 7″ Angled Side Cutting, with Tungsten Carbide Inserts
706-542 Double Action Wire Cutter, 9″ Straight Jaws Side Cutting, with Tungsten Carbide Inserts
706-545 Side Cutter, 7″, Side Cutting with Tungsten Carbide Inserts
706-550 Front and Side Wire Cutter, 7″ Front, and Side Cutting with Tungsten Carbide Inserts, Double Action
Orthopedic Double Action Wire Extraction Pliers
$0.00706-555 Slip Joint Pliers
706-560 Double Action Wire Extraction Pliers, 7″ 2mm Delicate Jaws, Carbide Insert
706-565 Double Action Wire Extraction Pliers, 7″ 4mm Jaws, Carbide
706-570 Double Action Wire Extraction Pliers, 7″ 6mm Jaws, Carbide Inserts
706-580 Flat Nose Pliers, 5-1/2″, Broad 5mm Tip
706-585 Double Action Parallel Pliers and Wire Cutter 4-1/2″, Nickel Plated
706-590 Locking Pliers, 8″ Self-Locking
706-595 Needle Nose Locking Pliers, 9-1/2″, Self-Holding with Groove