Showing all 15 results

Hartman Halstead Kelly Hemostatic


200-352 Hartman Mosquito Forceps, Straight, 3-1/2·
200-360 Hartman Mosquito Forceps Curved, 3-1/2″
200-501 Halstead Mosquito Forceps. Straight, 5″
200-519 Halstead Mosquito Forceps. Curved, 5″
200-520 Halstead Mosquito Forceps. Straight. Delicate, 5″
200-525 Halstead Mosquito Forceps, Curved, Delicate, 5″
200-550 Kelly Hemostatic Forceps. Straight, 5-1/2″
200-568 Kelly Hemostatic Forceps. Curved. 5·1/2″

Rankin Kelly Hemostats Jacobson Halstead


200-600 Rankin-Kelly Hemostats, Straight, 6-1/4″
200-618 Rankin-Kelly Hemostats. Curved, 6-1/4″
200-709 Halstead-Mosquito Forceps, 1 x 2 Teeth, Straight, 5″
200-717 Halstead-Mosquito Forceps. 1 x 2 Teeth, Curved, 5″
200-766 Halstead-Mosquito Forceps. Angled Jaw, 5″
200-770 Jacobson Micro Mosquito Forceps. Straight, Extremely Delicate, 5″
200-773 Jacobson Micro Mosquito Forceps. Curved, Extremely Delicate, 5″
200-775 Jacobson Micro Mosquito Forceps, Curved, Extremely Delicate, 7″

Rankin Crile Hemostats Providence


200-808 Providence Hospital Forceps, Straight, 5-1/2″
200-816 Providence Hospital Forceps, Curved, 5-1/2″
200-907 Crile Hemostats, Straight, 5-1/2″
200-915 Crile Hemostats, Curved, 5-1/2″
200-956 Rankin·Crile Hemostats, Straight, 6-1/4″
200-964 Rankin·Crile Hemostats, Curved, 6-1/4″

Rochester Pean Hemostats FORCEPS


201-558 Rochester-Pean Hemostats, Straight, 5-1/2″
201-566 Rochester-Pean Hemostats. Curved, 5-1/2″
201-657 Rochester-Pean Hemostats.Straight, 6-1/4″
201-665 Rochester-Pean Hemostats, Curved, 6·1/4″
201-756 Rochester-Pean Hemostats, Straight, 7-1/4″
201-764 Rochester-Pean Hemostats, Curved. 7-1/4″
201-806 Rochester-Pean Hemostats, Straight, 8″
201-814 Rochester-Pean Hemostats. Curved, 8″
201-905 Rochester-Pean Hemostats, Straight, 9″
201-913 Rochester-Pean Hemostats. Curved, 9″
202-002 Rochester-Pean Hemostats, Straight, 10-1/4″
202-010 Rochester-Pean Hemostats. Curved, 10-1/4″
202-012 Rochester-Pean Hemostats, Straight, 12″
202-014 Rochester-Pean Hemostats, Curved, 12″
202-200 Rochester-Carmalt Hemostats. Straight, 6-1/4″
202-218 Rochester-Carmalt Hemostats. Curved, 6-1/4″
202-259 Rochester-Carmalt Hemostats. Straight 8″
202-267 Rochester-Carmalt Hemostats. Curved. 8″

Kocher Rochester Ochsner FORCEPS


202-556 Kocher Hemostats, 1 x 2 Teeth, Straight, 5-1/2″
202-564 Kocher Hemostats, 1 x 2 Teeth, Curved, 5-1/2″
202-655 Rochostor-Ochsnor Hemostats, 1×2 Teeth, Straight,6-1/4″
202-705 Rochester-Ochsner Hemostats, 1×2 Teeth, Straight,7-1/4″
202-804 Rochester-Ochsner Hemostats, 1×2 Teeth, Straight, 8″
202-815 Rochester-Ochsner Hemostats, 1×2 Teeth, straight, 9″
203-000 Rochester-Ochsner Hemostats, 1×2 Teeth, Straight, 10″
202-663 Rochester-Ochsner Hemostats, 1×2 Teeth, Curved, 6-1/4″
202-713 Rochostor-Ochsnor Hemostats, 1×2 Teeth, Curved, 7-1/4″
202-812 Rochester-Ochsner Hemostats, 1×2 Teeth, Curved, 8″
202-819 Rochester-Ochsner Hemostats, 1×2 Teeth, Curved, 9″
203-018 Rochester-Ochsner Hemostats, 1×2 Teeth, Curved, 10″

Dieffenbach Pennington Bainbridge Pratt


203-158 Pennington Forceps, 6″

203-208 Pratt-Smith “T” Forceps, 6″
203-307 Bainbridge Forceps, Straight, 7-1/4″
203-315 Bainbridge Forceps, Curved, 7-1/4″
203-406 Dieffenbach Serrefines. Straight, 1-1/2″
203-414 Dieffenbach Serrefines, Curved, 1-1/2″
203-455 Dieffenbach Serrefines, Straight, 2-1/4″
203-463 Dieffenbach Serrefines, Curved, 2-1/4″



221-960 MOYNIHAN Gall Duel Forceps,8-1/2″(21.6 cm)
221-962 JOHN HOPKINS Gall Bladder Forceps, 8″(20.3 cm)
221-964 GREEN Cystic Duel Forceps. 8-1/2″(21.6 cm). delicate
221-966 GRAY Cystic Duel Forceps. 9″(22.9 cm), Serrated, set of 2
221-967 GRAY Cystic Duct Forceps, 9″ (22.9 cm), Serrated 1×2 teeth set of 2
221-968 BRIDGE Deep Surgery Forceps, 11″(27.9 cm), Straight, very delicate
221-970 BRIDGE Deep Surgery Forceps, 11″ (27.9 cm),Curved. very delicate

 Ferguson Angiotribe  Jacobs Vulsellum Forceps


Excellence of Ferguson Angiotribe Forceps and Jacobs Vulsellum Forceps, essential tools for surgical precision. Crafted from premium stainless steel, these forceps ensure reliability and precision for intricate medical procedures. Elevate your surgical toolkit with these specialized instruments.



205-005 HALSTEAD Mosquito Forceps. Extra fine. straight, pediatric, 4-3/4″ (12 cm)
205-013 HALSTEAD Mosquito Forceps, Extra fine. curved. pediatric. 4.3/4″ (12 cm)
205-203 Baby CRILE Forceps. 5-1/2″ (14 cm). extra delicate, straight
205·211 Baby CRILE Forceps, 5-1/2″ (14 cm), extra delicate, curved
205-214 Baby OCHSNER Forceps 1 X 2 teeth. s-112· (14 cm), extra delicate, straight
205·216 Baby OCHSNER Forceps 1 X 2 teeth, 5-1/2″ (14 cm), extra delicate, curved

SCHNIDT SAWTELL Mosquito Forceps


220-103 SCHNIDT Hemostatic Forcep, Straight,7-1/2″ (19.1 cm)
220-111 SCHNIDT Hemostatic Forcep, slight curve. 7-1/2″ (19.1 cm)
220-129 SCHNIDT Hemostatic Forcep, full curve, 7-1/2″ (19.1 cm)
220-132 SAWTELL Tonsil Hemostat Forceps, 7-1/2″ (19.1 cm), full curve, one open mg
220-135 SAWTELL Tonsil Hemostat Forceps, 7-1/2″ (19.1 cm). full curve. closed rings
220-210 Mosquito Forceps, extra delicate. straight, 7-1/2″ (19.1 cm)
220-218 Mosquito Forceps, extra delicate, curved, 7-1/2″ (19.1 cm)
220-558 Baby MIXTER Forceps, 5-1/4· (13.3 cm), fully curved, extra delicate

Adson Hemostats Mixter Forceps


220-655 Mixter Forceps, Original Model. Right Angled. 6-1/4″
220-705 Mixter Forceps, Original Model. Right Angled, 7-1/4″
220-756 Mixter Forceps, Fine Dissecting Points. Fully Curved, 7-1/2″
220-760 Mixter Forceps, Fine Dissecting Points, Fully Curved, 9-1/4″
220-780 Mixter Forceps, Fine Dissecting Points, Fully Curved, 11·
221-259 Adson Hemostats. Straight,7″
221-267 Adson Hemostats, Curved, 7″

 Heiss Thoracic Lahey Kantrowitz


221-309 Heiss Thoracic Forceps, Straight, 8″
221-317 Heiss Thoracic Forceps. Slightly Curved. 8″
221-325 Heiss Thoracic Forceps, Full Curved, 8″
221-754 Lahey Hemostatic Forceps,7 ½”
221-952 Lahey Hemostatic Forceps, 9″
222-000 Lahey Hemostatic Forceps, 11″
222-158 Kantrowitz Forceps, 7 ½”, Delicate Right Angle Jaws
222-208 Kantrowitz Forceps, 9 ½’ Delicate Right Angle Jaws
222-210 Kantrowitz Forceps, 11″. Delicate Right Angle Jaws
222-215 Sarot Artery Forceps,9 ½”, with 2 ½” Long Jaws

Johns-Hopkins Bulldog Clamp 


645-475 Johns-Hopkins Bulldog Clamp, Straight, 1 ½”
645-480 Johns-Hopkins Bulldog Clamp, Straight, 2″
645-485 Johns-Hopkins Bulldog Clamp, Straight,t 2 ½”
645-490 Johns-Hopkins Bulldog Clamp. Straight, 3″
645-495 Johns-Hopkins Bulldog Clamp, Straight, 3 ½”

645-507 Johns-Hopkins Bulldog Clamp, Curved. 1½”
645-515 Johns-Hopkins Bulldog Clamp, Curved. 2″
645-531 Johns-Hopkins Bulldog Clamp, Curved. 2½”
645-556 Johns-Hopkins Bulldog Clamp, Curved, 3″
645-564 Johns-Hopkins Bulldog Clamp, Curved, 3½”

Heaney Ballentine Hysterectomy Forceps


925 -602 Heaney Hysterectomy Forceps, 8-1/4″, Heavy Pattern, Single Tooth, Curved

925-651 Heaney Hysterectomy Forceps. 8-1/4″. Heavy Pattern, Double Tooth, Curved
925-652 Heaney Hysterectomy Forceps, 9-3/4″ Extra Heavy Pattern, Double Tooth, Curved

925-676 Heaney Ballentine Hysterectomy Forceps,8-1/2″, longitudinal serrations, single tooth, straight
925-701 Heaney Ballentine Hysterectomy Forceps, 8-1/4″,longitudinal serrations, single tooth, curved

Hysterectomy Phaneuf Wertheim Forceps


925-552 Long Hysterectomy Forceps,7 ½”·Longitudinal Serrations. 1×2 Teeth. Curved
925·800 Phaneuf Uterine Force~. 8″ Horizontal Serrated Jaws 1×2 Teeth. Straight
925-818 Phaneuf Uterine Forceps. a·. Horizontal Serrated Jaws 1×2 Teeth. Angled on Flat
925-822 Wertheim Pedicle Clamp,9 ¼”, Curved Jaws 2″ Long
925-825 Wertheim-Cullen Pedicle Clamp, 8½”·Right Angle Jaws. 2″ Long